- Q.When was the company established?
- A.The company was established on February, 2002.
- Q.When was the stock listed?
- A.We were listed on April 25, 2019.
- Q.What market are you listed on?
- A.We are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers market.
- Q.What is your securities trading code?
- A.The securities code of GOOD SPEED CO., LTD. is 7676.
- Q.What is the number of shares per trading unit?
- A.100 shares.
- Q.When does your fiscal year end?
- A.On September 30 every year.
- Q.How can I find out when the financial results will be announced?
- A.It is scheduled for November every year.Please refer to the "IR Calendar" page where we list and update our yearly schedule.
- Q.When is the general shareholders' meeting held?
- A.It is scheduled for December every year.Please refer to the "IR Calendar" page where we list and update our yearly schedule.
- Q.Are there any shareholder benefit program?
- A.No. We do not have a shareholder benefit program.